
гастрономия , деревенские дома в Лангедок

    It is in any simplicity that you will be welcomed in the farms-inns. Offered meals come from traditional recipes cooked with products in direct provenance of working.
1 в Лангедок.
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деревенские дома в Saint-Florent-sur-Auzonnet

Ferme Auberge La Caracole

Eco musée, élevage d'escargot, Ferme Auberge La Caracole 30960 Saint-Florent-sur-Auzonnet (Gard)
телефон : 04 66 25 65 70  - факс : 04 66 25 72 11
Come to discover our snails farm and taste our "cevenol" meals ! What a good time to spend together !
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