
Accommodation, Bed and Breakfast in Languedoc Roussillon

    Guest house
    Practical and friendly, here is what summarizes the formula of guest houses. Whom you are only or in family, come to spend one or several nights at the inhabitant. It is as a friend that you will be welcomed by the host and the hostess who can make you discover the local specialities during the meals which will be proposed to you.
98 in Languedoc Roussillon.
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picture of La Bergerie de  l'Etang .Maison d'hotes
  • Low season of 50€ to 110€
  • School holidays of 70€ to 140€

Bed and Breakfast in Capestang

La Bergerie de l'Etang .Maison d'hotes

Marion Delaude chemin de l'Etang .Montels 34310 Capestang (Hérault)
Phone : 04 67 93 46 94  - Fax : 06 45 44 43 45
You are welcome to Bergerie de l'Etang. At the heart of unspoilt countryside and wildlife. You will enjoy the gentle and refined decor of the place. The casket of your nights, 5 very comfortable ...
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  • **Tourisme-$note $notationNom $label pour $titre**
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picture of La Cazarelle du Pic Saint Loup
  • Low season of 75€ to 85€

Bed and Breakfast in Saint-Jean-de-Cuculles

La Cazarelle du Pic Saint Loup

Pinon Chemin de Bassac 34270 Saint-Jean-de-Cuculles (Hérault)
Phone : 07 60 04 02 58
Our charming designer bed and breakfast, with view on the Pic St Loup, is situated between the Mediterranean and the Cevennes (UNESCO), in the calm surroundings of Montpellier.
It's an ideal setting ...
Register your touristic spot in Languedoc Roussillon it's free (in French)