http://www.laboitearire.net3 comedies of Sacha Guitry with Françoise Royès, Philippe Nadal, Yannick Lopez and Vincent Ross to a box laughter 113 av of the Palace of exhibitions 66000 Perpignan on Tuesday 17 December 2013, Saturday 04 January 2014 at 19:30 from 17 to 21 December 2013 and from 1 to 4 January 2014 a visit you with the master of humor of the 1920s for 3 comedies irresistible in 1 Act... Vintage, deliciously funny and informative! A good letter typed: In a hotel in province, a businessman asked a typist, it sends a young and attractive person, who takes great interest in the letter they dictated. Required to wait the reply 1 day or 2, what to do to deceive the time? Sacha Guitry finds the solution. ON past in 8 days: the scene is set in the office of a theatre director. There is a young actress defend its role, that wanted him resume the author being too warm for the character, she puts such passion and such violence that it is satisfied that it will fit perfectly. TWO COVERS: This scene between a father and a son, who just missed his bac prefigures the conflict of generations which will that grow later, but with the humor of Sacha Guitry that does not turn to drama. Reservation: 06 60 27 40 36 and all the usual sales points
Mas Des Arcades
840 Avenue D'espagne
66100 Perpignan
from 85.00 Euros
Villa Duflot
Rond Point Albert Donnezan
Serrat Den Vaquer
66000 Perpignan
from 109.00 Euros
Hotel Aragon
17 Avenue Gilbert Brutus
66000 Perpignan
from 52.00 Euros