
Gastronomy, Restaurants in Languedoc Roussillon

    In the course of your promenades, discover local specialities thanks to a made kitchen by good products. Between tradition and innovation, the restaurateurs have meals that he offers you a true trip in the country of taste
29 in Languedoc Roussillon.
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picture of Restaurant La Marquière
  • Low season of 20€ to 35€
  • Average season of 20€ to 35€
  • High season of 20€ to 35€
  • School holidays of 20€ to 35€

Restaurants in Carcassonne

Restaurant La Marquière

M.MARIUS 13 r st jean 11000 Carcassonne (Aude)
Phone : 04 68 71 52 00  - Fax : 04 68 71 30 81
« Located near the northern ramparts, this house has a restrained provincial interior and a pretty little courtyard terrace. Simple, tasty traditional cooking. »
Restaurant distinguished by the ...
picture of Restaurant Le Tamaris
  • Low season of 13€ to 16€
  • Restaurant Menu of 13 to 16 €

Restaurants in Le Cailar

Restaurant Le Tamaris

Mr Jean Emery 13 rue Victor hugo 30740 Le Cailar (Gard)
Phone : 04 66 88 07 91
Speciality Restaurant Camargue The restaurant is open since July 1990, is located in the center of Cailar, a small village surrounded Camargue ranches, the Kingdom of bulls and horses. Open all year, ...

Restaurants in Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via

La Fromagerie

Thierry Bourguignon 2 av e brousse 66120 Font-Romeu-Odeillo-Via (Pyrénées Orientales)
Phone : 04 68 30 01 88  - Fax : 04 68 30 10 66
Un étonnant restaurant galerie aux murs tapissés de tableaux. Le plus drôle, c'est le plafond: la reconstitution d'une prairie où les champignons (halucinogènes ?)poussent la tête en bas. Une ...

Restaurants in Homps

Restaurant En Bonne Compagnie

Valerie Fisk 6 Quai des Negociants 11200 Homps (Aude)
Phone : 04 68 91 23 16
Sitting right on the banks of the Canal du Midi, Restaurant En Bonne Compagnie offers delicious French cuisine with a modern touch as well as a tempting selection of international dishes.
Now ...
picture of Le Sourire de la Grenouille
  • Low season of 11€ to 18€
  • Restaurant Menu of 13 to 25 €

Restaurants in Argens-Minervois

Le Sourire de la Grenouille

Mme Catherine Lamoulie 28 avenue des Platanes 11200 Argens-Minervois (Aude)
Phone : 04 68 48 87 40
Le Sourire de la Grenouille (The smile of the Frog), Restaurant, Tea Room, Art Shop, Sale of regional wines, is a unique area along the Canal du Midi, which offers a break and go in search of scents ...

Restaurants in Elne


SAULEAU JOEL PLACE DU MARCHE DE GROS 66200 Elne (Pyrénées Orientales)
Phone : 04 62 22 55 01  - Fax : 04 68 21 83 12
finely tous.les.jours has midday 11 € Catalan specialities specialities mediteranéenes couscous, paella, zarzuela, bouillabaisse, special groups dinners small spectacles Sunday and days feries 20 ...

Restaurants in Saint-Gilles


DENIS 1 BD, DE CHANZY 30800 Saint-Gilles (Gard)
Phone : 04 66 87 30 78  - Fax : 04 66 87 02 14
LES SPECIALITE L'AGRILLADE SAINT GILLOISE (meilleure recette culinaire decerne par le GAULT & MILLAU).

Restaurants in Perpignan


ALAIN ET VALERIE DELPRAT ALLEE DES CHENES 66000 Perpignan (Pyrénées Orientales)
Phone : 04 68 85 56 54  - Fax : 04 68 54 72 29
Situé dans le cadre paisible et verdoyant du Château du Parc Ducup, tout près du pôle économique du Grand St Charles, à 5 mn du centre ville et 2 mn de l'autauroute A9.

Le chef Alain DELPRAT, ...
Register your touristic spot in Languedoc Roussillon it's free (in French)