
Heritage, visit, Castle, Fort in Languedoc Roussillon

    Castles and Monuments
    Castles are historic heights-places, they allow to dive back into the universe of the Lords who lived there. Some of these monuments, as fortresses, symbol of power and power, are often marked by the wars of the Middle Ages. Others, as the castles of sailing are much more stylized and testify of the refinement of the Renaissance.
19 in Languedoc Roussillon.
Register your touristic spot in Languedoc Roussillon it's free (in French)

Castle, Fort in Mont-Louis

Citadelle de Mont-Louis

Office du tourisme 3 rue Pruneta 66210 Mont-Louis (Pyrénées Orientales)
Phone : 04 68 04 21 97  - Fax : 04 68 04 21 97
Mont-Louis, one of Vauban's majors places (in way to be classificated by Unesco). The hightest fortificated city in France.
Exceptional example of military architecture créated by Vauban in 17th ...

Castle, Fort in Nîmes

La Tour Magne

Visite.org 30000 Nîmes (Gard)
It was built around an Iron Age drystone tower, of which nothing is left today. A regular octagon, in about 15 BC it had three stepped-back levels on a base. The top level no longer exists and the ...

Castle, Fort in Montpellier

Château de la Mogère

De Saporta 2235 route de Vauguières 34000 Montpellier (Hérault)
Phone : 04 67 65 72 01  - Fax : 04 67 65 72 01
The Mogere Castle was built in the 18 th century and refurbished in the 19 th with marvelous 18 th century furniture and garland gypsery. A stunning rockwork "buffet d'eau" adorns the gorgeous French ...

Castle, Fort in Montpellier

Château de la Mogère

Gaston de Saporta 2235 route de Vauguières 34000 Montpellier (Hérault)
Phone : 04 67 65 72 01  - Fax : 04 67 65 72 01

Castle, Fort in Capestang

Le château de l'archevêque de Narbonne

Capestang Boulevard Pasteur 34310 Capestang (Hérault)
Phone : 04 67 37 85 29
Welcome to Capestang ! You will discover the summer residence of the Archbishop of Narbonne. The castle is famous for the painted ceiling dating from the fifteenth century, you can see on the buget ...
picture of Chateau-Abbaye de Cassan
  • Average season of 4€ to 10€
  • High season of 4€ to 10€
  • School holidays of 4€ to 10€
  • **Tourisme-Entrée de x a y**

Castle, Fort in Roujan

Chateau-Abbaye de Cassan

Augereau Nathalie sur D13 34320 Roujan (Hérault)
Phone : 04 67 245 245  - Mobile phone : 06 82 86 57 95
N historical setting for a truly memorable visit
The magnificient castle-abbey of Cassan nestles in the heart of rolling vineyards and Olive groves of Herault in the foothills of the Black ...
picture of Prieuré Saint Michel de Grandmont
  • **Tourisme-Entrée de x a y**

Castle, Fort in Soumont

Prieuré Saint Michel de Grandmont

Camille Cocheret Domaine de Grandmont 34700 SOUMONT 34700 Soumont (Hérault)
Phone : 04 67 44 09 31
Nestled in lush greenery in the heart of a class 30 acre park, Priory of Grandmont transports you into the story!

Cross the time since the Neolithic period until the 19th century, passing through ...

Castle, Fort in Nîmes

La Maison Carrée

Visite.org 30000 Nîmes (Gard)
Inspired by the temples of Apollo and Mars Ultor in Rome, the Maison Carrée has extremely harmonious proportions. It is the only temple of the antique world that has survived whole and is 26 metres ...
Register your touristic spot in Languedoc Roussillon it's free (in French)