Alloggiamenti, affitti , Camere in famiglia dans l'Hérault
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Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans l'Hérault é gratuito
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Bassa stagione 43€ a 53€
Media stagione 43€ a 53€
Alta stagione 43€ a 53€
vacanza 43 €
Ristorante menu 24 €
Véronique et Aurélien Carron
9 rue des litanies
34120 Pézenas
Tel : 04 67 90 34 81
Bed and breakfast located inside the pedestrianized historical centre of pézenas. In our vaulted cellar, we invite you to taste Languedoc wines and discover local products.
For breakfasts, homemade bread, brioche and jams, fresh fruits, fruit juice, yoghurts are available.
Ideal location to visit herault and Languedoc : front side, country side, vineyard...
You will appreciate the French hospitality in a charming medieval family house.
Iscrivere il vostro punto turistico dans l'Hérault é gratuito