
Salon au coeur du bien-Être

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Salon Au Coeur Du Bien-Être

Суббота 12 Март 2011r. Ocwell - IUT Montpellier 34000 Montpellier (Hérault) Château de Flaugergues 1744, avenue Albert Einstein
смотреть на сайте http://www.salonaucoeurdubienetre.com LIVING IN THE HEART OF WELL-BEING

The skills of well-being in Languedoc-Roussillon The health sector welfare (cosmetics, essential oils, food supplements, spa / health center and spa) will hold its first public fair on Saturday March 12, 2011 from 10h to 19h in the prestigious Castle Flaugergues in Montpellier. A full day free for visitors that will showcase the expertise of the region Wellness sector, sales of products made in Languedoc Roussillon, events and conferences on innovative products and services, recreational pathways manufacturing cosmetics olfactory and discovery. An awakening of the senses for children and adults!

This event is co-organized by five students at the IUT of Montpellier in the department of Marketing and Technology business network OcWell - COSMED RS antenna. This association brings together small and medium enterprises in the sector bien-être/santé Languedoc-Roussillon. Castle Flaugergues

  • Abasun Hotel Montpellier Centre 13 Rue Maguelone 34000 Montpellier начиная с 53.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Abasun Hotel Montpellier Centre
  • Newhotel du Midi 22 blvd Victor Hugo 34000 Montpellier начиная с 90.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Newhotel du Midi
  • Hôtel Royal 8 Rue Maguelone 34000 Montpellier начиная с 70.00 &евро;

    забронируйте  Hôtel Royal
  • appartements d'hôtes cityzen montpellier 3 rue thèrése et 35 Grand Rue Jean Moulin - 34000 Montpellier 34000 Montpellier

  • Chambre d'hôtes de charmes à Montpellier 23 avenue de Palavas 34000 Montpellier

  • CLOS DE L'HERMINIER Chambres d'hôtes en ville 201 rue du Mas de Nègre 34000 Montpellier

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