3èmes floralies de maureilhan - 8 mai 2011.
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Воскресенье 8 Май 2011r.
MOLINA Sandrine
34370 Maureilhan
Place du bicentenaire - Maureilhan
телефон : 06 17 43 96 57
For the third year, the CTM wait you to FLOWERS OF MAUREILHAN, May 8, 2011, in partnership with the Municipality, the community of The Commons Domitian, the General Council and the Region Languedoc Roussillon. Feast of the small local agriculture, you will find nurseries, gardening plans, farm animals, natural products, farmers market, artisans, artists as well as street entertainment and children's activities. Completely free, easy parking on site and soil restoration. 5 mins Beziers. 10 min A9 exit Béziers-west. Information and reservations: Website: http://clubtaurinmaureilhan.free.fr/
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