
посещение достопримечательностей , парки отдыха,зоопарк в Лангедок

    Leisure parks and Wildlife parks
    Amateur of big shivers or sweeter sensations, you will inevitably find a park of leisure at your convenience. Scenic railways of amusement parks in the playful or instructive walks of parks with subject, it is the ideal activitie in family or between friends.

    The animal world is in your range with the wildlife parks. Mysteries of the seaworld, with aquariums, to the wild animals of other lands in zoos by way of animal husbandry of lamas, of fallow-deer, of harts or of ostriches, discover all fauna while sharing an instant in family.

10 в Лангедок.
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парки отдыха,зоопарк в Mialet

Jardin animalier de Mialet

Argence Ghislain 4106 route de Saint Jean du Gard 30140 Mialet 30140 Mialet (Gard)
телефон : 04 66 43 39 04
Сад дикой природы Миалет - это парк животных, как никто другой. Многие животные, Зебус, Альпака, овцы, ...

парки отдыха,зоопарк в Le Grau-du-Roi

Le Seaquarium

Mr Groul Avenue du Palais de la Mer 30240 Le Grau-du-Roi (Gard)
телефон : 04 66 51 57 57  - факс : 04 66 51 55 00
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