
посещение достопримечательностей , города и поселки в Лангедок

    Cities and Villages
    In the bend of a street or an alley, discover in the course of your walks the secrets of cities and villages of our regions. Remarkable facades, places, houses of times and many other hidden treasures, here is which treasures offer themselves to you. Picturesque villages of countrysides in the big metropolises, take time to promenade and to appreciate.
14 в Лангедок.
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города и поселки в Montouliers


Montouliers Rue du château 34310 Montouliers (Hérault)
телефон : 04 67 37 85 29
Оформлены в средиземноморском стиле, Montouliers своими домами, ужесточили вокруг замка и церкви, — посёлок ...

города и поселки в Sète


Visite.org 34200 Sète (Hérault)
Discover Sète and its region, see the sights...
A stroll around Sète
"Sète, presqu'ile… The omnipresence of water, its incomparable light, its colors; all qualities which have given it its ...

города и поселки в Perpignan


Visite.org 66000 Perpignan (Pyrénées Orientales)
Perpignan, between the Canigou and the Mediterranean, is the capital of French Catalonia and the only major town in the Pyrénées-Orientales.

A stroll through the narrow streets of old Perpignan ...

города и поселки в Corsavy

CORSAVY en Haut Vallespir

CREAPROMEDIA Rue Barry d'Avall 66150 Corsavy (Pyrénées Orientales)
телефон : 04 68 37 07 19
Топ Corsavy в Vallespir, небольшой средневековой деревне сидела на высоте 730 м на горе Canigou. Его улицы булыжником ...

города и поселки в Argelès-sur-Mer


Visite.org 66700 Argelès-sur-Mer (Pyrénées Orientales)
Dolmens bear testimony of the origins of Argelès-sur-Mer that go back to Prehistory. The town was first mentioned under the Carolingian dynasty. From the feudal period to the 17th century, its ...

города и поселки в Nîmes

Nîmes la Méditerrannéenne

Visite.org 30000 Nîmes (Gard)
Roman and Hispanic and with contributions from the Camargue and the Cévennes, the Languedoc and Provence, Nîmes is a city of all accents! It has been fashioned for over 2000 years by southern ...

города и поселки в Minerve


Visite.org Village 34210 Minerve (Hérault)
It is a medieval city surrounded by fortifications and it boasts a castle. It allowed the inhabitants at the time who had converted to the Cathar heresy to resist for 7 weeks to the crusaders’army. ...

города и поселки в Vissec

Château de Vissec

Vissec Château de Vissec 30770 Vissec (Gard)
телефон : 06 12 13 28 51
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